[:es]La segunda prueba del día, el CSI2* Trofeo HOLA, comenzaba a las 10:00, con una altura de 1,45m y disputada bajo el baremo Jump Off. La primera ronda tenía un recorrido complicado y un tiempo tan ajustado, que hacía que sólo 5 de los 42 jinetes consiguieran terminar sin falta, siendo Otti Verdú y Álvaro Díaz García los únicos españoles que lo conseguían.
El ganador del desempate ha sido Markus Beerbaum montando a Charmed, en un tiempo de 40,24 segundos. Le seguía muy de cerca el portugues Luis Sabino Goncalves montando a Filou Imperio Egipcio, binomio que se posicionaba ayer segundo en el Trofeo IFEMA, el cual no conseguía superar al primero por apenas 3 centésimas. Tercero era el español el ganador del Trofeo IFEMA que se disputó ayer, Álvaro Díaz García, montando a Bacentus, en un tiempo de 42.55 segundos.[:en]The second test of the day, the CSI2* HOLA Trophy, began at 10:00 am, with a height 1.45m, the test was disputed under the table Jump Off. The first round had a course extended to the summit of its technical difficulty and a very tight time, which meant that only 5 of the 42 riders were able to finish without fail, with Otti Verdú and Álvaro Díaz García being the only Spaniards who made it to the next round.
The winner of the tiebreaker was Markus Beerbaum riding Charmed, in a time of 40.24 seconds. He was followed very closely by the Portuguese Luis Sabino Goncalves riding to Filou Egyptian Empire, binomial that was positioned second in the IFEMA Trophy, which could not beat the winner by just three hundredths of a second. Third was the Spanish winner of the IFEMA Trophy that was played yesterday, Álvaro Díaz García, riding to Bacentus, in a time of 42.55 seconds.[:]